Saturday, February 12, 2011

Running Fail

Even after a great dinner last night I got oddly insatiable so I celebrated cookie friday by making a faux sundae. I mixed greek yogurt with stevia and unsweeted cocoa powder for "chocolate ice cream" and had some chocolate chip bunnie grahams for a cookie topper, yum! I then had some honey wheat pretzels and a cherry pie mini laura bar (loved the flavor!) I was legit hungry for my snackage and you should always honor your hunger even if it seems like odd! 

The weather was great this morning for a run and even though I felt great upon waking I somehow knew that it just wasn't going to happen but I tried anyway. 

I hopefully fueled with a cliff bar which I really have found to be great long run fuel, I'm going to try to figure out some homemade ones! 

Although it turned out to be too much hope because I made it through 2 miles when the IT band flared up. It didn't hurt very bad and I probably could have made it to 3 but I don't want to push an injury at all. I am very much on track for the 1/2 in May being already up to my nine mile week and it's way too early to get injured for the marathon!

I plan on going to the gym when it opens to get in a little more cross training and then walking downtown this afternoon as well.

I came back to my room and made some lovely almondy oats 

Oats cooked with skim milk, vanilla protein powder and truvia topped with banana, raisins, a few chopped almonds and some almond extract. 

Hope your run went better than mine, have a great Saturday!


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