Friday, April 1, 2011

Big Winner

No... this is not an April fool's post, but did you see Wealthy Tipping Point? She totally got me! I actually called PerMa to tell her the news before it dawned on me what was going on!

However Caitlin's post plus an event this afternoon reminded me that I actually am pretty good at winning random things.

This afternoon I won Caroline's waffle give away (yahoo!!)

I won Kaitlin's coaches oats give away a few weeks ago

I actually tend to win those games where you grab the stuffed animal with the claw (I don't know whether to brag about this or not)


And the best thing I've ever won?

My sophomore year of high school, I won a 58 inch flat screen TV with 5 dvd changer and home theatre system in a raffle.

No I'm not lying it's in my house right now, I miss it very much when I'm at school watching The Office on my laptop.


Something I did not win at today? Satisfying my hunger... hey BPS round two! I did try very much though!

For lunch I had leftover Annie's mac and cheese but today I added baked beans, spinach and mushrooms. Plus grapes which are needing to be eaten!


Snacks included dates stuffed with various nut butters


more dates and cashew butter a few pretzels and the taste of a PB cookie larabar (which I finished)


I wasn't hungry for quite some time for dinner but then suddenly I was starving again (hate that) so I made a quick tofu scramble. I used


1/2 crumbled block of tofu

1 tsp garlic

1 tbsp nooch

salt and pepper

an entire green pepper

Plus Ezekiel sesame toast with smart balance light and fruit spread.


dessert plus more nuts ( I AM A HANGRY MONSTER)




What's the best thing you've ever won?

Fun plans this weekend? Eleven mile tomorrow... fun in my mind!

1 comment:

  1. wowyouve won so much!! i love winning giveaways! good luck on your run!
