I knew I'd been having odd stomach issues! No pain but something with my appetite just wasn't right, I started to feel a little more normal last night and then got starving!
This is an old pic but it was pretty much this, naturally more PB instead of dark chocolate dreams. I went back for a few more pretzels and another fork-full of naturally more .
Pre Workout
I had a great 4 mile run this morning in 38:47. I started slow but had absolutely no pain so I pushed my pace for a tempo run in the middle and towards the end. A few sets of compound weights and I was ready for my breakfast!
PERFECT mid-week pick me up
Overnight chocolate protein oats in almost empty peanut butter jar. It's sad when nut butter is gone but this makes it so worth it.
Topped with frozen strawberries and cinnamon. AMAZING.
Topped with frozen strawberries and cinnamon. AMAZING.

Treats at the bottom
You know the lid didn't get left out!
Halfway there, and it's bright and sunny out! Have a great day!
What's your favorite bedtime snack?
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Yum those OIAJ look amazing! I can never get mine to be as good as everyone else's look...dont know what im doing wrong! My favorite bedtime snack is popcorn and tea!